$197.00 USD

5 monthly payments

3 day trial
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Here's whats included:

  • 4 Pillars to freedom covers every thing you need to know to achieve the body you'll love, free from the ups and downs of dieting.
  • Step-by-step video training that will transform your relationship with food, body and exercise. A balanced approach that will nourish your body and feed your soul.
  • Weekly group coaching calls with live Q&A for support every step of the way.
  • Community of like minded women to encourage you, support you and grow with you.
  • Powerful exercises to help you take action, make changes and stick with them. 
  • Materials and Resources to make this super simple and sustainable.
  • Lifetime Access


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What People Are Saying:

Jill has been a huge asset to me. Her help and guidance has helped me understand how food affects me. She is supportive, available and responsive. Working with her has really opened my eyes and I highly recommend her. If you want to make a serious change with your diet she is definitely the best support you can have!

Catherine Woodside

I've noticed incredible balance in my mood, energy and my 'cravings' for unhealthy foods are no longer present. I feel light and clear and fully satisfied with the foods I've been eating this month. I never once felt hungry or deprived cutting out certain foods that were setting me up to be tired, groggy and irritable. Throughout the start of the program to present, I've lost a total of 17 pounds. I continue to gain strength and speed with faster recovery during my windows of movement and exercise. The clarity she brought me regarding food and her approach to teaching and delivering information was everything I could've hoped for. I recommend this program to anyone who may feel confused about what foods to eat to live a healthy lifestyle. Her gentle and shame-free guidance was exactly what I needed to take that next step in my health. Thanks, Jill!!

Sarah Quinlan

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Jill Moellering over these last 12 weeks. I have learned much. She has helped pull the curtain back when it comes to understanding the importance of quality input if one desires quality output. After our 12 weeks, I feel more empowered than ever as I know what to look for in quality food, how to make good choices whether at home or out to eat, and how to eat with dominion. I'm so grateful to have had this in-depth time with a consummate nutritional professional as I've learned I can live without constant diets or life I'm missing out on life. It doesn't have to be that way! I no longer feel like I'm held captive to the junk that seems to surround us on a daily basis. As an added bonus, I am grateful to share this new knowledge with my family. Thank you, Jill.

Katy McKinney

Food and exercise consumed my life each and every day.  I worried about the foods I ate, how much I was eating, how much I exercised, etc.  I wouldn’t let myself take a day off.  I would constantly be weighing myself and my mind was consumed with negative thoughts about my body.  I also didn’t like that I wasn’t being present for my family since all I did was worry about food and exercise.  I wanted to be free but thought there was no hope until I met Jill and started working with her.  She helped me change my mindset, change my relationship with food, and even got me to workout less.  She gave me super helpful tips and techniques that I use now on a daily basis.  She was always there for me with whatever I needed each week and I never felt judgment from her.  Knowing that she had been there in my shoes before and made it through, gave me the hope and determination that I could be free and happy in skin.  Loving yourself is the best gift and this program helped me get there.

Kelly Kramer

I’ve tried so many things over the years; bariatric surgery, meal replacements, meal services, personal trainers, nutritionists, and I've never been able to get to my goal and maintain it.  After struggling with eating disorders in my early twenties, I haven't had a healthy relationship with food or my body, and I wanted to change that.  I really wanted to lose weight, too, but I knew that I needed to work on how I eat. My biggest frustrations were that I felt that because I’d “tried everything,” there was nothing that would ever work for me, and that I was the problem- an unfixable person. My goals were to stop the emotional eating, build a gym routine, and have less pain overall from movement.  I've been consistently going to the gym now for 8 weeks.  My emotional eating is being managed through changes in mindset AND eating habits. I have significantly lessened the instances where I have emotional or binge eating episodes. My joint pain has lessened as well, and I think it's a combination of the way I'm eating, getting in movement, taking supplements, and just general self-care. What I wasn't expecting was the mental/emotional growth that I've experienced - I feel better about myself and my abilities, and it’s getting easier to believe that I am NOT unfixable.  (I'm not “broken” either - I am just a normal person on a journey of growth and improvement). She helped me work on my thoughts around the issues and how I could think differently and ultimately make better choices. And I really like that I am building habits that I think are sustainable. I think that it has greatly impacted my mental and physical health.  For mental health, I have less anxiety around eating because I feel equipped to make good choices.  I constantly think about how I can make upgrades, and at the same time, still enjoy the foods I like.  I think that less anxiety has improved my overall mood, and instead of feeling frustrated and overwhelmed and just STUCK in my problems, I feel empowered to work through them.   I feel more confident to try new challenges and accept positive feedback from coworkers. I am learning to be kinder to myself and invest in my mental health and well-being through mental exercises and meditation.  There are so many positive things to say about the journey, but it is still difficult.  That doesn't mean that you can't do it - it's just a challenge to be faced.  Facing it with Jill for guidance and support is an amazing experience and honestly made it easier for me.  I struggled with a lot of the “emotional stuff”, and it's painful sometimes, but it's really worth it to invest in yourself and work with Jill.  She knows how to help you help yourself, to make better choices, and most of all, to really focus on this journey as a lifestyle change and not reaching a goal and then stopping.  If you really want to change, and are willing to put in the work, you don't have to do it alone! 

Jessica Rosik