Freedom & Flourish

A proven, complete system designed for women, just like you, who desire to have a strong, healthy body they'll love without the ups and downs of dieting.

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Which is it?

  • Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. - Ecclesiastes 9:7 
  •  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
  • So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31

It's all the above and this program will teach you how to marry these verses and find freedom around food for optimal health and well-being.

What is

Freedom & Flourish

This online course and community has been carefully crafted to help you change your relationship with food, your body and with the way you view healthy living.

Society, diet culture and the weight loss industry's message is that we are flawed and need to change our physical appearance. Yet God says, we are uniquely and wonderfully made; a masterpiece, made in His image and we are not to conform to the ways of this world.

The dilemma is how do we break away from the enemies lies that we are broken and not enough; to embrace and embody Gods truth, yet nourish our bodies and take care of them, so that we can live more in alignment with God's will for our lives?

Whether you've been on the dieting roller coaster for years or you just want to focus on a sustainable healthy way of living that supports your physical, mental and spiritual well-being, Freedom & Flourish will transform your relationship with food and your body while freeing you from the guilt shame and low self-esteem that's been holding you back. You'll develop a strong, healthy body that radiates with confidence and allows God's light to shine brightly from the inside out.


How does

Freedom & Flourish work?

Freedom & Flourish is a failproof system that gives you ALL the training and tools to have a strong and healthy body you'll love!

What you'll get

  • 4 Pillars to freedom covers every thing you need to know to achieve the body you'll love, free from the ups and downs of dieting.
  • Step-by-step video training that will transform your relationship with food, body and exercise. A balanced approach that will nourish your body and feed your soul.
  • Weekly group coaching calls with live Q&A for support throughout the 8 weeks with optional continued coaching.
  • Community of like minded women to encourage you, support you and grow with you.
  • Powerful exercises to help you take action, make changes and stick with them. 
  • Materials and Resources to make this super simple and sustainable.
  • Lifetime Access to the course content and resources


Yes, I Need This!

What you'll learn

Principle 1

The Foundation

Before jumping into the how to, we need to set the stage and the foundation for your long term success.

  • Discover the pitfalls and problems with dieting and the solution to breaking free forever
  • Learn how you will turn your "I should eat healthy" into a natural desire to do so.
  • Get clear on your goals and reasons why so you can stay motivated for the long run.


Principle 2

Holistic Nutrition

This module will teach you how to eat for your unique bodies needs and provide you with the education you need to make healthy choices to fuel your body and feel your best.

  • Boost your metabolism, curb your cravings and still enjoy the foods you love without overindulging (guilt and shame free)
  • Intuitively eat for your unique body's needs to support your overall health, energy and vitality


Principle 3

Healthy Living

Through small habit stacking changes you'll transform your life by improving your sleep, enjoying movement and finding a routine that works for you.

  • Wake up feeling refreshed, alive and ready to conquer your day
  • Change the way you think about movement so it doesn't feel like a chore
  • Find the type of movement you'll love and a routine you'll look forward to
Principle 4

Spiritually Aligned Mindset

When your aligned mentally, emotionally and spiritually you unlock the power to transform your relationship with food, your body, and you'll experience a freedom, peace and joy in your life like never before. 

  • Conquer emotional eating patterns like overeating and binge eating through a renewal of your mind and spirit
  • Recognize and embrace your God given beauty and worth
  • Prioritize self care and integrate healthy habits into your busy life to nourish your body, mind and spirit and fulfill your divine calling





Get ready to accelerate your journey towards a healthier, stronger body with these essential bonus materials—your keys to success!


  • 30 super simple, delicious and nutritious meals that will curb your cravings and support your metabolism.
  • 10 meals you can throw together in under 10 minutes.
  • How to eat healthy on the go and actually enjoy it; your complete eating out guide.
  • A list of delicious grab and go balanced snacks.
  • 3 different super fast, easy workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, in under 20 minutes, with or without equipment



Hello, I'm Jill Moellering and I'm so glad you're here!


As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, I have struggled in life with food, self-worth, negative body image, and other lies from the enemy.

I became a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to heal my digestive issues, fatigue and chronic headaches and although I learned a great deal about supporting the bodies systems and it's own power to heal, I also created an unhealthy relationship with food and my body in the process. Labeling foods as good and bad and labeling myself as good and bad based on what I ate or based on how much I'd eaten. I wrestled with binge eating, emotional eating and my confidence and self-esteem tanked when I didn't live up to my own expectations or societies expectations of what I should eat and what my body should look like.

I tried to rely on my own power, and understanding to make the changes in my life that I thought would lead to happiness. As I started to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus I learned the lies of the enemy and at the same time, my relationship with food was changing. I started to understand that restriction created more of a desire and obsession for the foods that I was limiting. I started to have more grace and acceptance for myself and my life started to transform.

I now understand that good health should come from a place of self-love, and be a source of joy and empowerment. Not a never-ending battle with restrictive diets and guilt-ridden choices and I was only able to do that through God's love and truth.

With years of experience as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am on a mission to shift the narrative around health and well-being and help women find freedom, joy and happiness in a body that they love and a life that they enjoy.